Fuel recipes are used to define valid fluids in the melter, alloyer, smeltery, and foundry in Tinkers’ Construct since 1.16.

The rate of fuel consumption varies based on the usage. For the melter and alloyer, 1 fuel “duration” is consumed every 4 ticks, or 1/5 of a second. For the smeltery and foundry, multiple “duration” may will be consumed based on the size of the structure, causing the fuel to not exactly map to seconds.


  • (Object): The recipe object.
    • type (Resource Location): Always tconstruct:melting_fuel.
    • fluid (Fluid Ingredient): Fluid ingredient matching the fuel. Amount determines how much fuel is consumed per operation.
    • duration (Integer): Amount of “fuel units” produced per operation. The exact amount of units consumed is based on the structure size.
    • temperature (Temperature): Fuel temperature value, used for gating melting and alloying recipes. Additionally, before 1.20 acts as a multiplier on the rate items melt, with 1000 being the baseline.
    • rate (Integer, since 1.20.1): How quickly items are heated up using this fuel. 10 is a typical baseline (visualized in JEI as 1.0x).

Solid Fuel

Since 1.20.1

In the next 1.20 update, creating a fuel instance without setting fluid and duration will cause that temperature and rate to be used for solid fuel in the heater. Only a single recipe should be provided to set solid fuel properties, which is provided by Tinkers’ Construct; modify that recipe if you wish to change it in a modpack.


Fuel temperature is often used as a gating mechanism for recipes. The following fuel temperatures are defined in the base mod:

  • Soild fuel has a temperature of 800 degrees.
  • Lava has a temperature of 1000 degrees.
  • Blazing Blood has a temperature of 1500 degrees.