Alloying Recipes
Alloying recipes are used to define how fluids mix in the smeltery or alloyer in Tinkers’ Construct.
Alloying recipes typically run every 4 ticks, or 1/5 of a second, meaning if you multiply recipe sizes by 5 you can get the amount alloyed per second.
Alloying recipes are used to mix multiple fluid ingredients into a single fluid output. Alloying recipes have the following format:
Always - If true, this fluid is not consumed on performing this recipe.
on a list match.
May be set to an array of fluid ingredients to set
A single fluid ingredient input.
List of fluid ingredients to alloy together. Sizes indicate the amount consumed in a single alloying operation, which is also the the minimum input size.
- Alloy result. Size indicates the amount produced in a single alloying operation.
- fuel recipes for more information. Minimum fuel temperature to perform this alloy recipe. See
The recipe object.
Note that the inputs are all checked in order, and a single fluid in the smeltery cannot match multiple inputs. If your desired alloy recipe has multiple inputs that can both match the same fluid (due to one being a superset of the other), ensure the most strict ingredient is first in the input array.
In addition, the output of the alloy recipe must not match any of the input ingredients; this prevents hard to debug issues with recipes that have no practical benefit.