Since 1.16.5, Mantle adds several commands under the root command /mantle.

Dump Loot Modifiers

Searches all loaded datapacks for all enabled global loot modifiers and either logs or saves them.


/mantle dump_loot_modifiers <action>


  • <action> (String): action to perform, may be:
    • log: logs the result to the console.
    • save: saves the result to a json file in <gameDirectory>/mantle_data_dump. The link in the output of save is clickable.

Harvest Tiers

Since 1.18.1

Prints the contents of the Forge tier sorting registry, optionally dumping the list as A JSON file for reordering tiers.


/mantle harvets_tiers <action>
  • <action> (String): action to perform, may be:
    • log: logs the result to the console as a JSON.
    • save: saves the result to a json file in <gameDirectory>/mantle_data_dump. The link in the output of save is clickable.
    • list: prints the result as a chat message. Includes information about each tier’s block tag if present.

If the second argument is log, logs the result to the console. If the second argument is save, saves them to a json file in <gameDirectory>/mantle_data_dump. The link in the output of save is clickable.


Runs commands related to books. These commands typically use book IDs, which are registered by any mod using Mantle’s book API. The following IDs are registered by Tinkers’ Construct:

  • tconstruct:materials_and_you: Materials and You
  • tconstruct:puny_smelting: Puny Smelting
  • tconstruct:mighty_smelting: Mighty Smelting
  • tconstruct:tinkers_gadgetry: Tinkers’ Gadgetry
  • tconstruct:fantastic_foundry: Fantastic Foundry
  • tconstruct:encyclopedia: Encyclopedia of Tinkering

For the sake of testing book elements, Mantle also registers an internal book ID mantle:test, which can only be opened using the /mantle book_test command.

Open Book

Since 1.18.1

Opens the given book. This is equivalent to opening the book by other means such as the book item or a lectern, but does not require obtaining that item.

Syntax (1.18-1.19):

/mantle book_test [id]

Syntax (1.20):

/mantle book open <id>


  • [id] (Resource Location): Book ID to open, if unset (before 1.20) opens the book mantle:test.

Export Book Images

Since 1.20

Exports all pages of a book as static images in the screenshots folder. Used to generate images for pages on this website. Export will be located at screenshots/mantle_book/<domain>/<name> for a book with ID <domain>:<name>.


/mantle book export_images <id> [scale]


  • <id> (Resource Location): Book ID to export.
  • [scale] (Number): GUI scale for export. If unset, defaults to 1.

Clear Book Cache

Since 1.18.2

Clears the book cache, causing the book contents to reload. Book cache is generally cleared when resource packs or datapacks reload, but since the cache is built directly from resource pack files (rather than from loaded contents), this can greatly speed up testing book contents as you only need to modify the book and reload the cache instead of also reloading resource packs.


/mantle clear_book_cache [id]


  • [id] (Resource Location): Book ID to clear cache. If unset, clears the cache for all books.

Tag Preference

Since 1.18.2

Prints the preferred registry entry for the given tag. Typically used for recipe outputs in many recipe types, such as casting recipes.


/mantle tag_preference <type> <name>


  • <type> (Registry ID): Tag registry ID, for example minecraft:item or minecraft:potion
  • <name> (Tag): Tag name, for example forge:ingots/iron


These commands print the contents of tags. For more info about tags, see the Minecraft Wiki.

View Tag

Prints all values in the given tag to the console.


/mantle view_tag <type> <name>


  • <type> (Registry ID): Tag registry ID, for example minecraft:item or minecraft:potion
  • <name> (Tag): Tag name, for example forge:ingots/iron

Tags For

Lists all tags for the given registry entry.


Fetches a registry entry by ID and lists all its tags.


/mantle tags_for id <type> <name>


  • <type> (Registry ID): Tag registry ID, for example minecraft:item or minecraft:potion
  • <name> (Item ID): Registry entry name, for example minecraft:iron_ingot


Lists all tags for the held item.


/mantle tags_for held <type>


  • <type> (String): type of object being targeted. May be:
    • item: Lists all item tags for the held item
    • block: Lists all block tags for the held block
    • fluid: Lists all fluid tags for the fluid contained in the held item
    • enchantment: Lists all enchantment tags for each enchantment on the held item
    • potion: Lists all potion tags for the held potion
    • entity: Lists all entity tags for the held spawn egg


Lists all tags for the targeted object. Note for blocks and fluids, the debug screen lists tags.


/mantle tags_for targeted <type>


  • <type> (String): type of object being targeted. May be:
    • entity: Lists all entity tags for the targeted entity
    • tile_entity: Lists all tile entity tags for the targeted block

Dump Tag

Prints a JSON object containing the combination of a tag from all loaded datapacks.


/mantle dump_tag <type> <name> [action]


  • <type> (Registry ID): Tag registry ID, for example minecraft:item or minecraft:potion
  • <name> (Tag): Tag name, for example forge:ingots/iron
  • [action] (String): Dump action to take. If unset, defaults to log.
    • log: writes the tag contents to the log as JSON.
    • save (since 1.18.1): saves the tag as a JSON file in the same directory used by /mantle dump_all_tags.
    • sources (since 1.19.2): writes the tag contents to the log as a list, including both IDs and the datapack responsible for adding each ID.

Dump All Tags

Searches all loaded datapacks for all tag JSON and adds them to <gameDirectory>/mantle_data_dump. The file path in the output is clickable to open the folder.


/mantle dump_all_tags [<type>]
  • <type> (Registry ID): Tag registry ID, for example minecraft:item or minecraft:potion. If left out, all types are dumped.