Click a book below to read the contents. Note that addon content along with interactive elements such as animations and tooltips will not be available. The best source for book content is always the in game books.


The following books are available online from 1.20 versions of SlimeKnights mods.

Tinkers’ Construct


The following books are available online from 1.19 versions of SlimeKnights mods.

Tinkers’ Construct

Tinkers’ Mechworks


The following books are available online from 1.18 versions of SlimeKnights mods.

Tinkers’ Construct

Tinkers’ Mechworks


The following books are available online from 1.16 versions of SlimeKnights mods.

Tinkers’ Construct

Tinkers’ Mechworks


The following books are available online from 1.12 versions of SlimeKnights mods.

Tinkers’ Construct


The following books are available online from 1.7.10 versions of SlimeKnights mods.

Tinkers’ Construct