This page is about the mod from 1.8 to 1.12. For 1.16+, see Tinkers’ Construct 3 Overview.

For answers to frequently asked questions, see Tinkers’ Construct 2 FAQ.

Tinkers’ Construct is a mod about putting tools together in a wide variety of ways, then modifying them until they turn into something else. The tools never disappear and can be named and changed to your heart’s desire. Once you make them, they’re yours forever. Many different materials can be used to make your tools.

Getting Started

To get started you need a few tables and a place to put your patterns. You can use Just Enough Items to lookup recipes for the tables.

An overview of all the tables in the mod.

Be sure to put the pattern chest by the part builder, as you can access them together. Use the Stencil Table to craft the patterns, and craft tool parts from them using the Part Builder. The part builder also displays information about the material used.

UI for the part builder creating some tool parts.

Next step is the Tool Station, where you build, modify, and repair tools like so.

UI for the tool station, crafting a tool.


The next step is to build a Smeltery, so you can process metals and use them for tool parts as well. All you need is some gravel, sand and clay.

A full sized smeltery. Many fluid types in tanks.

You can even automate your Smeltery.

Automating the smeltery with redstone.


The mod also brings a few new things to the world, including cobalt ore, and these fellows here.

Blue slimes in a superflat world.

What changed since 1.7.10?

  • Materials changed, each material has unique traits
  • Some new materials
  • Part materials matter more. Some traits can only be obtained by using a material as a tool head
  • Part replacement
  • Tools with mutliple head materials can be repaired with all of them
  • Tinkers’ Construct does not come with copper ore, tin ore, etc. anymore but instead supports them
  • More slime island fun
  • Single-Use Clay casts
  • Right clicking a drain with a bucket puts the liquid into the smeltery
  • Sharpening kits so you can have any harvest level desired
  • No more extra-modifiers
  • New modifiers: Soulbound (Nether Star) and Width/Height (Expander)
  • New improved GUIs
  • Slimesling and Slime boots