This page covers custom bot commands available on our Discord. These commands are often used to query common resources.


The following commands are meant to query FAQ questions. They have no arguments. Note none of these commands provide information that is not available on this site. In other words, only use the commands to respond to another person on discord; if you have a question you will get a much faster answer by just clicking the link to the information.


The following commands provide information that is not listed directly on the FAQ.

  • !bedrock, !marketplace: Provides a reminder our discord does not cover the FTB Bedrock edition, and links their discord.
  • !optifine: Provides information on the reasons to not use Optifine along with links to alternatives.
  • !read: Shows all book emoji in a row preceeded by the read slime, to remind someone to read in game books.
  • !paste: Links to many common websites for pasting large amounts of text or code.
  • !pingsites: Shorter version of !pings.
  • !events: Post a reference image for common reasons an event handler does not work.
  • !mcjty: Post a link to McJty’s modding tutorials.
  • !pings: Posts a reminder to avoid unneeded pings to the dev team.
  • !disablepings: Posts information on how to disable pings on reply.


The following commands simply post images of memes relevant to common discord conversations:

  • !crashlog: Post a meme about how people say a mod is crashing but don’t provide a crash log.
  • !try, !tryitandsee: Post a link to the Try it and See, which is an answer to people asking really specific questions that are easily verifiable in game.
  • !modderstrap: Posts a comic about how modders often spend more time modding than playing the game.

Remove Recipe

The remove recipe command demonstrates the syntax and location for removing a recipe using a datapack.


!remove [domain] [output]
!remove <id>


  • [domain]: recipe domain to remove. If both [domain] and [name] are unset, defaults to the text <domain>.
  • [name]: recipe name to remove. If both [domain] and [name] are unset, defaults to the text <name>.
  • <id>: Recipe ID to remove. Will do one of the following:
    • If the ID contains a :, then the text before : will be treated as the domain and the text after will be treated as the name.
    • If the ID lacks a :, then the domain will be minecraft and the text after the ID.


These commands build pictures from emoji. While they are mostly meant for fun, they are occasionally useful to give someone information on building a structure.

  • !melter: Shows how to create a simple melter and casting setup.
  • !alloyer: Shows how to create a simple alloyer setup.
  • !smeltery: Shows how to create a simple smeltery.
  • !smeltery_pouring: Shows how to create a simple smeltery with a casting setup.
  • !foundry: Shows how to create a simple foundry.


The faucet command shows casting from an input to an output.


!faucet [input] [output]


  • [input]: emoji to show on the top of the faucet. If unset, defaults to a random tank, alloyer, or melter.
  • [output]: emoji to show on the bottom of the faucet. If unset, defaults to a random tank, alloyer, or melter.


The following commands post links to wiki or documentation pages.

Minecraft Wiki

The Minecraft Wiki command posts a link to a Minecraft Wiki article. The link will automatically embed an snippet from the article if it exists.


!mcw [title]


  • [title]: Space separated list of words in the article title.

The Minecraft Wiki search command posts a link a Minecraft Wiki search with prefilled search terms. Unlike the !mcw command, this command cannot embed if the page exists.


!mcws [words]


  • [words]: Space separated list of search terms.

The links command post a link to Projects.


!links [project]


  • [project]: Space separate words in project name to link. If unset, posts a link to the top of the projects page.